Sunday, April 11, 2010

America's Run

Today was the inaugural Americas Run. Based at the new Cowboys Stadium, it was a very cool run. 13.1 flat miles and you finished at the 50 yard line with video of your finish playing on what has the be the most famous tv in the world. I had never seen myself that BIG.

Oddly, the old Texas Stadium was imploded this morning. We got to watch it come down on the big screen at Cowboy Stadium. Kinda seemed like you were cheating - being at the new stadium when the implosion occured. I am sure we will see it many times but I thought the old stadium collapsed on herself with class and dignity.

It rally was strange driving by the intersection of 114, 183 and Loop 12 on the was to the airport this afternoon.

What a day....see you at the finish line.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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